Terms of Use
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Last Updated: 27 March 2017
Hits: 4655
Terms of Use
- Introduction
- All the information, content and services of the website tsagarada.gr, there are or will be added to this web site belong exclusively to tsagarada.gr, are protected by Greek, European and International intellectual property laws, and are provided to visitors for strictly personal (non commercial or speculative) use. tsagarada.gr makes a special effort to ensure that information contained every time on the site to be as accurate and truthful, shall not bear any responsibility for the reliability, completeness or timeliness.
- Copyrights
- All site contents, including pictures, graphics, photographs, texts, services and products are the intellectual property of tsagarada.gr and protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions.
- Any copying, distribution, transportation, processing, resale, create derivative works, or misleading the public about the real provider of the content of this website. Any reproduction, republication, uploading, posting, or transmission or any other use of the Content in any manner or means, for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with prior written permission of tsagarada.gr or any other beneficiary of copyrights. The names, images, logos and trademarks represents tsagarada.gr or third parties and their products or services are exclusive trademarks of tsagarada.gr or third parties protected by applicable trademark laws. Their appearance on the website should in no way be construed as a transfer or license or right to use them.
- Services and Responsibility of tsagarada.gr
- Customer certifies that the material will "upload" to the server will be ready and will not need any additional treatment from tsagarada.gr to operate. tsagarada.gr has access to their files, websites and Client data.
- tsagarada.gr accepts no responsibility or liability for any loss, damage or moral damage resulting from failure to provide services and technical support.
- tsagarada.gr makes every effort to ensure the validity of the information found on the website tsagarada.gr and provides the content (i.e. information, names, photographs, videos, etc.) as given by the Hotels or colleagues. Under no circumstances we are liable for any legal or civil or criminal nature, nor for any damage to visitors of the website or third reason is related to the performance or nonperformance or use of the website or inability to provide services or information available from this or any unauthorized third party interventions in products or services or information available through it.
- User Responsibility and Impermissible Use of Servers
- tsagarada.gr has the ability to reject or delete material hosted on the server that is granted, if this material infringes any law in relation to copyrights, is pornographic, racist or pirated content (hacking, pirate softwares, warez sites, serial numbers) relates to drug trafficking, illegal intrusion attempt on a computer or contrary in any other law. In such cases tsagarada.gr has the right, without prior notice, immediately disable the account and access the site via the Internet without any liability for any damages caused to the Customer or any third party. Then informs the customer to remove the material. If the customer does not comply immediately tsagarada.gr has the right to delete the account entirely.
- tsagarada.gr follows a very strict policy on spam emails and may invalidate the customer's account for shipment unorthodox - unsolicited bulk email (spam mail). An email is spam when sent to multiple recipients who have not requested to receive. The customer agrees not to send any of the following types of emails:
- Advertising or information, including without limitation commercial advertising, except to those who have explicitly requested by the client such emails.
- Annoyingly email, or through language that has been written, the frequency sent or size of messages.
- Chain emails
- Bulk emails.
- The available resources of the server are intended solely for use within the customer accounts of tsagarada.gr. The placing funds in any manner to sites of third parties in any form, including but not limited to graphics or text extraction sites of third material found in the server tsagarada.gr, execution banner exchange programs κτλ.
- Client must use a secure password. If the password used by the client is simple, the account may be suspended until you use a more secure password.
- This website shall be used only for lawful purposes and in a manner that does not restrict or prevent its use by others. The visitor should use the website in accordance with the law, morality and these terms also tsagarada.gr and its partners reserve the right to refuse service or cancel reservations at their discretion without any restrictions.
- References to third party websites
- tsagarada.gr contains references, "links" to third party websites. tsagarada.gr is not responsible for the availability, their privacy, for the content of these pages and completeness and for any damage arising from their use, as the visitor has access them on his own responsibility.
- Operation policy of the website
- tsagarada.gr or its partners makes every effort for the good operation of its website without guaranteeing that the functions will be uninterrupted, error free of viruses or other harmful elements. Also, tsagarada.gr has the right to add, remove or modify the content and services of the website, as well as the terms of use at any time it deems necessary and without prior notice, with the only the announcement through their website.
- Use of Personal Data Clients/Members/Partners
- tsagarada.gr and its colleagues are the sole owner of the information, which is declared by their colleagues, visitors or members of the website and customers. Members/visitors of the web sites of tsagarada.gr is likely to be asked to declare their data (eg name, address, phone, etc.) in order to activate services on their behalf or/and to ensure the ability to contact them. These data indicate members/visitors is by consent and kept on file and processed with the utmost security and confidentiality and in accordance with Law 2472/1997. For guests under 18 years should be given the prior consent of their parents/guardians in each case of a declaration of personal data on the website of tsagarada.gr. Data file also notified to the competent judicial, police and other legal authorities at their request and in accordance with the pertinent laws.
- Acceptance of Terms of Use
- These Terms of Use of the website http://www.tsagarada.gr drafted by the full of norms of Greek territory, governed by Greek law, the force in that legislation of the European Union and International Treaties and construed in accordance with the rules of good faith, business ethics and social and economic purpose of the right. In the event that term or provision of these terms use to determine a void or voidable, such invalidity or cancellation will not affect the validity of the other terms, the parties will pay in the above principles every effort to replace the void or cancellation provisions or conditions with others who are as close as possible to that of the void or voidable conditions or forecasts.
- By using the website http://www.tsagarada.gr is presumed that you agree to all conditions listed on this site and reading this text is required for use of our services and making any order services or products and additionally the your agreement and full and unconditional acceptance of the listed conditions, expressed certified and reported responsibly using the presentation and/or mouse click the link "I have read and agreed to the Terms of Use" and any other link can lead to order service or use of the websites of tsagarada.gr and is considered as the signature on this document.
- The terms contained herein supersede any other agreement or negotiation between Customer and tsagarada.gr, written, oral or otherwise, including any statements by a representative of tsagarada.gr.
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